
Creates a circular sector of a circle of given radius and center Point, between (clockwise) bearing1 and bearing2; 0 bearing is North of center point, positive clockwise.


from turfpy.misc import sector
from geojson import Feature, Point

center = Feature(geometry=Point((-75, 40)))
radius = 5
bearing1 = 25
bearing2 = 45

feature = sector(center, radius, bearing1, bearing2, options={"properties":{"length":3}})

Interactive Example

from ipyleaflet import Map, GeoJSON, LayersControl
from turfpy.misc import sector
from geojson import Feature, Point, LineString, FeatureCollection

center = Feature(geometry=Point((-75, 40)))
radius = 5;
bearing1 = 25;
bearing2 = 45;

m = Map(center=[40.011313056309056, -74.97720068362348], zoom=12)

feature = sector(center, radius, bearing1, bearing2, options={"properties":{"length":3}})

fc = FeatureCollection([feature, center])

layer = GeoJSON(name="Line_Arc", data=fc, style={'color':'red'})
